The Shallows is a 2016 American survival horror thriller film directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, written by Anthony Jaswinski and starring Blake Lively. another entry in that genre—a “survival thriller” about an epic battle of wits and wills that takes place between an American woman, Nancy Adams (Blake Lively), and a vicious shark. Nancy is a medical student who is reconsidering her life’s purpose after losing her mother to a long battle with cancer; as a kind of tribute, she travels to a deserted beach in Mexico—the same one her mother traveled to when she learned she was pregnant.
The film hit the box office with $166 million worldwide . a surfer gets stranded 200 yards from shore, and must use her wits and determination to survive agreat white shark attack. Principal photography began in October 2015 in New South Wales, Australia.
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